Monday, September 14, 2015

Disney Series: Snow White

This here Snow White cake is number 2 out of 3 to the family free weekend Disney series project! Woohoo! Is it bad that I'm really super excited about doing all of these different kinds of Disney cakes? I just have all of these ideas popping out of nowhere and they just keep coming! Anyways, I'm super excited about this cake because it not only features Snow White but also includes Prince Florian and of course the seven dwarfs!

The images I used of Snow White and Prince Florian came from Steve Thompson. If you haven't checked him out yet and his amazing drawings then do so now. You won't regret it.

All three of these cake (#3 yet to be unveiled) took a whole 3 days to do. Can you believe that it took 3 days?!?! On day one I made the cookie cutters and made the cookies for all of the cakes. Day 2 consisted of icing, putting fondant on, and painting every single cookie with food coloring. Day 3 was icing of the cakes and putting them all together to completion. 

You're probably wondering from the Aladdin cake where I mention my family aren't cake people and why I'm making 3 separate cakes (or maybe it didn't cross your mind). Well I didn't want to do 3 whole cakes (and my mom didn't want me to either!) so I only used one cake for all three of them. Wondering how in the world I did that?? Two words. Plastic wrap. That's all it took.

How I did this was I leveled the three layers of cake I had and stacked them with no frosting whatsoever. From there I wrapped them into plastic wrap, all nice and tight to make sure that it stayed together and didn't fall apart. Once the cake was wrapped I made a really big batch of frosting. I needed to make sure I had enough because I needed three completely different colors for all three cakes that I wanted to do.

When the frosting was done it came time to frost the plastic wrapped cake, which just happened to be easy but tricky at the same time. Easy because the cake didn't move! That was because of the plastic wrap but I was really happy about it either way. It was tricky though when it came to icing the sides of the cake. You have to make sure that the bumps of the plastic wrap is covered just perfectly because you don't want plastic wrap to be poking out or the texture of the plastic wrap to show. And even by just doing this it will be really difficult to get the icing completely 100% smooth. 

I used this little trick for both this cake and the Aladdin cake. The third, yet to be seen, cake I didn't use plastic wrap because it was meant to be eaten. Mostly eaten by me because my family usually never does. Darn my family for not being cake people!! If you don't want to do this trick with actual cake then just get a Styrofoam fake cake, which are really cheap. With the Styrofoam you just wrap it up in plastic wrap and do the decorating. Either way I really enjoy this plastic wrap trick mainly because I can use it when I have an idea that I just have to do but my family doesn't want to end up having a cake in the fridge. 

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